
2023.09.30 波蘭團隊研究長達三年追蹤,對 20 名 ALMS 和 BBS 患者的 40 隻眼睛進行了分析。研究目的就是使用 OCT 和 MRS 方法評估 ALMS 和 BBS 患者與一組健康受試者相比的神經系統變化指標。研究中發現的 N-乙醯天冬胺酸(NAA)及其衍生物水平降低可能表明神經元退化/減少和代謝損傷。


2023.09.18 ALMS1雄性小鼠早期和迅速增加了脂肪含量,但ALMS1雌性小鼠脂肪增加發生得較晚。 在雄性小鼠中,早期體脂肪快速增加是由於能量損耗(EE)顯著減少引起。


2023.08.14 ALMS1部分通過增強TGF敏感性參與腎小球血流動力學的控制,這可能有助於降低GFR。TGF 敏感性增加、腎小球毛細血管壓力增加和高血壓可能導致 ALMS1 KO 大鼠腎小球損傷。這些是第一個支持 ALMS1 在 TGF 和腎小球血流動力學中作用的數據。

2 型糖尿病潛在的PATAS治療正被發現和改進

2023.08.13 菲律賓馬尼拉莫納什大學在囓齒動物研究中,PATAS 可以降低胰島素抵抗、葡萄糖耐受不良和肝臟中的脂肪堆積(脂肪變性)。在葡萄糖不耐症動物模型中也觀察到了有益效果。在先前研究的基礎上,跨國團隊接下來發現,在正常脂肪細胞中,根據胰島素信號傳導,ALMS1 會釋放一種名為 PKC α 的蛋白質,以觸發葡萄糖攝取。由於胰島素抵抗,ALMS1 不再釋放 PKC α,因此葡萄糖不再被脂肪細胞吸收並利用。這項研究首次確定了脂肪細胞胰島素抵抗(2 型糖尿病的前期)的根本原因,並開發了一種可降低胰島素抵抗並恢復正常葡萄糖攝取的藥物, 這一發現可能是研究中糖尿病最重要的發現之一。


2023.08.11 文獻中結果表明了一種獨特的機制,通過這種機制,視桿細胞退化可能會導致視錐細胞內或周圍的視覺生色團水平異常高且可能有毒,從而導致視錐細胞功能和存活的喪失。這為Alstrom Syndrome 對眼晴是否可受惠基因療法和小分子療法帶來一定的啟示。


2023.08.05 丹妮爾 (Dannie Grace) 一歲時就失去了大部分視力。18 個月大時,她在手術台上進行心臟直視手術以放置起搏器時發生中風。她現在已經不能說話了。丹尼爾目前的診斷均與Alstrom有關,包括擴張型心肌病、視桿細胞營養不良、嚴重畏光、心動過緩、房性心動過速、支氣管道疾病、肺組織纖維化、心臟直視傳導阻滯、繼發性肺動脈舒張功能障礙高血壓、睡眠窒息症、氣管軟化、支氣管軟化和感覺障礙。目前每天服用 12 種藥物,並在家中使用六種不同的醫療設備。儘管經歷了一切,她和她的家人仍然對未來充滿希望。

為Alstrom小女孩籌款, 讓她在還能看到的時候環遊全世界!

2023.08.01 小女孩Breias的母親正在為孩子準備在她周圍的景象和聲音消失之前,她可以在巴黎埃菲爾鐵塔的燈光下與她的父親一起跳舞。這位中西部小鎮女孩還想騎馬穿越科羅拉多州的群山,看看時代廣場的璀璨燈光。夢想如何能成真?

【病例報告】新型錯義 ALMS1 變異發現可能導致部份Alstrom症狀較為輕微

2023.02.14 北京同仁醫院相關眼科中心研究19名患有 ALMS1 雙等位基因變異的中國患者的臨床和遺傳特徵。發現新型錯義變異Missense Mutation,導致在 Alström 綜合症患者中發現異常剪接及發現部份症狀較為輕微。

[臨床試驗] 恢復脂肪細胞的公司即將進行PATAS的臨床試驗

2023.02.2 法國生物技術公司 Adipopharma LLC 目標是在 2023 年底, 將其2 型糖尿病患者進行靶向胰島素抵抗肽的 I 期臨床試驗。

[病例報告]:韓國成功為 Alström 綜合症擴張型心肌病患者移植心臟

2023.01.20 韓國延世大學醫學院報告了一名 17 歲男孩在嚴重肝功能障礙的情況下, 成功進行離體心臟移植的病例。 由於器官短缺和多器官功能障礙等預後不良,心臟移植不是擴張型心肌病合併 Alström 綜合症患者最理想的治療選擇。 然而,在適當的時候消除心臟功能障礙因素本身對預防甚至逆轉其他器官衰竭,起著舉足輕重的作用。

[病例報告]母體單親二體性 (UPD)引起的 Alström 綜合症

2023.01.06 一名 13 個月大的視力不佳和眼球震顫的男孩,被診斷出患有 Alström 綜合症,該基因檢測確定了一種純合致病性變異,變異僅在他的母親身上發現,而不是他的父親。與通常的常染色體隱性遺傳模式不同,在這種模式中,孩子從父母雙方繼承一個變異體,對孩子和父母雙方進行的多步基因檢測證實單親二體是遺傳機制。

[重磅] Alström 和 Bardet-Biedl 綜合症的蛋白質組和轉錄組景觀

2023.01.05 來自波蘭羅茲醫科大學新的研究表明,為了更好地了解這兩種綜合症的機制,對 ALMS 和 BBS 綜合症的人類細胞模型首次進行了蛋白質組學和轉錄組學綜合分析,全面描繪 ALMS 和 BBS 綜合症的蛋白質組和轉錄組學景觀。

[病例分享]: 中山大學對6 Alström 綜合症兒童的眼部表現和基因檢測

2022.12.07 調查 Alström 綜合徵 (AS) 患者的突變譜和眼部特徵。 來自五個無關家庭的六名 AS 患者被包括在內。 對所有受試者進行眼部和全身檢查。 進行了全外顯子組測序(WES),並進行了 Sanger 測序以進行突變驗證和分離分析。 在這 6 名患者中,首發症狀包括眼球震顫、注視不良和畏光。 5 名患者有高度遠視,其中 4 名 (80%) 在轉診前最初被診斷為弱視,並接受了規定的矯正鏡片和弱視治療,但沒有獲得改善。


2022.12.06 比利時科學家在ALMS1突變小鼠(FOZ/FOZ)中,餵養60%高脂飲食(HFD)12週; 對肝和肌肉氨解毒效率進行研究。 並加添了為期8週的L-鳥氨酸L-天冬氨酸(LOLA)補充劑,這是一種已知的低氨處理方法,分別於4或12週的給予脂肪飲食後補充作預防性或治療性干預。 我們通過微型計算機斷層掃描(Micro-CT)以及四肢握力测试來監測身體成分,肝臟和肌肉狀態。

病例報告:意婦Alström 綜合症妊娠和分娩的輕度表型

2022.10.22 一名患有 AS 27 岁的意大利女性的自发受孕、妊娠和分娩。怀孕前,月经规律,卵泡期双氢睾酮和雄甾烷二醇葡糖苷酸水平升高,阴道超声检查卵巢和子宫内膜正常。对母体和胎儿状况进行了彻底的临床随访。怀孕期间体重增加10公斤,除轻度贫血外,连续血液和尿液检查均在正常范围内。当妊娠毒血症发展为异常高水平的血压和下肢水肿时,妊娠过程一直很顺利,直到妊娠 34 周。在妊娠 35 周 3 天时,进行了紧急剖宫产,并出生了一名体重 1950 克的健康男性。

PATAS (PKC Alpha Targeting AlmS)改善全身胰島素抵抗和逆轉2型糖尿病相關代謝異常的新思路,肽分子有望成為“first-in-class”療法

2022.07.13 ALMS1 與脂肪細胞中的蛋白激酶 C-α (PKCα) 結合,並且在胰島素信號傳導後,PKCα 從 ALMS1 中釋放出來。 因此篩選 PKCα 激酶結構域中的 α-螺旋以鑑定乾擾 ALMS1-PKCα 蛋白相互作用的肽序列。 當與培養的人類脂肪細胞一起孵育時,稱為 PATAS 的釘合肽(PKC Alpha Targeting AlmS 衍生肽)觸發了不依賴胰島素的葡萄糖吸收、從頭脂肪生成和細胞葡萄糖利用。 在體內,PATAS 降低了全身胰島素抵抗,並改善了囓齒動物的葡萄糖耐受不良、空腹血糖、肝脂肪變性和纖維化。 因此,PATAS 代表了一種新型的一流肽,它靶向脂肪細胞以改善胰島素抵抗及其相關的合併症。

英國對Alstrom Syndrome成人患者的聽力受損統計研究

2022.6.29 英國國家Alstrom綜合服務在伯明翰伊麗莎白女王醫院,對34名Alstrom成人患者進行聽覺測試,所有受試者的聽力圖均顯示患有感音神經性聽力損失 (SNHL)。 32/34 (94%) 的患者出現雙重感覺(視覺和聽力)喪失。 聽力隨著年齡的增長而惡化,每年下降1.23 分貝。 9/34 (26%) 的病例存在嚴重的感音神經性聽力損失( SNHL)。 27/34 (79%) 的病例使用了空氣傳導的助聽器,2/34 (5%) 則使用了人工耳蝸。


2022.06.16 藥廠Rhythm Pharmaceuticals宣布,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA) 就用於治療 Alström 綜合症的 setmelanotide 的附加新藥申請(sNDA)發出了完整的回复信。意味此藥用於Alstrom綜合症正式宣告失敗. 藥廠Rhythm將重新評估美國 Alström 綜合症未來的潛在發展路徑。

药厂Rhythm宣布向EMA撤回针对用于Alström 综合征的控肥胖药物setmelanotide审查中的申请

IMCIVREE®(setmelanotide)用於治療 6 歲及以上患有 Bardet-Biedl 綜合症 (BBS) 或 Alström 綜合症的成人和兒童患者的肥胖和控制飢餓的補充新藥申請 (sNDA) 的審查期。 2 月 23 日,FDA 通知公司,處方藥用戶費用法案 (PDUFA) 目標日期已修改為 2022 年 6 月 16 日。FDA 本月要求對 Rhythm 在 2018 年進行的 3 期關鍵試驗的臨床療效數據進行額外的亞組分析。 BBS 和 Alström 綜合症。 沒有請求新數據。 附加信息已被視為對 sNDA 的“重大修訂”,需要更多時間進行審查。

【醫學雜誌柳葉刀】纖毛病基因 BBS2 和 ALMS1 的轉譯連讀可恢復患者成纖維細胞中的蛋白質、纖毛髮生和功能

纖毛功能障礙是一系列遺傳性疾病的基礎,統稱為纖毛病,對此沒有可用的治療方法。 Bardet-Biedl 綜合徵 (BBS) 的特點是多系統受累,包括視桿細胞營養不良和腎臟異常。由於它們的共同表型,它們與 Alström 綜合徵 (AS) 一起被稱為“肥胖纖毛病”。無義突變分別佔 BBS 和 AS 病例的 11% 和 40%。轉譯連讀誘導藥物 (TRID) 可以繞過框內過早終止密碼子恢復全長蛋白質,並且是無義突變的纖毛病的潛在治療方法。以PTC124(Ataluren)或Amlexanox治療。治療後,評估基因表達、蛋白質水平和纖毛髮生。研究了鞭毛內轉運蛋白 IFT88 和 G 蛋白偶聯受體 SSTR3 的表達作為纖毛功能的讀數。 Amlexanox治療的患者成纖維細胞中 mRNA 表達顯著增加,PTC124 和Amlexanox治療的成纖維細胞中全長 BBS2 或 ALMS1 蛋白表達恢復。 TRIDs 治療顯著改善了BBS2 成纖維細胞的纖毛髮生缺陷。治療恢復了 IFT88 表達並糾正了 BBS2 和 ALMS1成纖維細胞中的SSTR3 錯誤定位,表明纖毛功能得到了挽救。

[Guide Interpretation] Introduction and interpretation of the 2020 European guidelines for clinical management of AlstrÖm syndrome (Chinese version)

In 2020, the “Guidelines for Clinical Management of Alström Syndrome” developed by many countries will be published in Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. After a strict review of the 45-year literature evidence examined as of October 2019, the guidelines put forward recommendations for the clinical management of Alström syndrome. The content of the 2020 European Alström Syndrome Guidelines is briefly introduced in the Chinese version and appropriately interpreted for reference…….2021.8.5

First Alstrom syndrome patients conference in Asia being held on July 30

Shanghai Children Medical Center shows their cares about the patient of Alstrom syndrome and would like to promote this rare disease. On July 30, the Center will provide the body check, seminar of Endocrine, Cardiology & Ophthalmology, Q&A session to patients in Greater China region……2021.7.12


今年二月, 在意大利都灵的圣安娜医院(Sant’Anna),一位26岁患有非常罕见Alström综合征的年轻母亲, 在Enrico Bertino教授指导下诞下一名重1.95公斤的男孩, 成为世界上首例, 怀孕过程一直持续到第8个月,当时孕妇心血管和肾功能略有恶化的迹象表明,最后剖腹完成分娩。目前, 母亲和婴儿都健康…..2021.5.18

Celebrating! Professor Fu Lijun, Professor Wang Xiumin and Professor Zhang Qianwen from Shanghai Children’s Medical Center became our Medical Consultants

Alstrom Syndrome Greater China Association (ASGCA) is honored to invite three senior medical experts from the Shanghai Children Medical Center: Professor Fu Lijun (傅立軍), Professor Wang Xiumin (王秀敏), and Dr. Zhang Qianwen(張倩文) to serve as our Medical Consultants to provide guidance for our members. It has made our Association even more powerful and has brought hope to patients with AS. It also marked the continuous improvement of the organizational structure of the Alstrom Syndrome Greater China Association, and injected more powerful forces into the organization….2021.5.12

Alström syndrome with a novel mutation of ALMS1 and Graves’ hyperthyroidism: A case report and review of the literature

A 8-year-old Chinese girl was diagnosed with AS. Two years later, Graves’ hyperthyroidism developed with progressive liver dysfunction. The patient’s clinical data were collected; DNA from peripheral blood of the proband, parents and sibling was collected for gene mutation detection using the second-generation sequencing method and gene panel for diabetes….2021.5.12

Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in Alström Syndrome: A Genetic Model for Metabolic Syndrome

Alström syndrome (ALMS) is an ultra-rare monogenic disease characterized by insulin resistance, multi-organ fibrosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and hypertriglyceridemia with high and early incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We evaluated liver fibrosis…2021.4.28

Identification of Genetic Variants in 65 Obesity Related Genes in a Cohort of Portuguese Obese Individuals

Obesity is a major public health problem, which has a strong genetic component that interplays with environmental factors. Several genes are known to be implicated in the regulation of body weight. The identification of alleles that can be associated with obesity is a key element to control this pandemic. On the basis of a Portuguese population…2021.4.19

alms1 mutant zebrafish do not show hair cell phenotypes seen in other cilia mutants

Multiple cilia-associated genes have been shown to affect hair cells in zebrafish (Danio rerio), including the human deafness gene dcdc2, the radial spoke gene rsph9, and multiple intraflagellar transport (IFT) and transition zone genes. Recently a zebrafish alms1 mutant…2021.4.1

Whole-exome sequencing identifies two novel ALMS1 mutations in Indian patients with Leber congenital amaurosis

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a severe autosomal recessive retinal degenerative disease. The current study describes exome sequencing results for two unrelated Indian LCA patients carrying novel nonsense p.(Glu636*) and frameshift p.(Pro2281Leufs*63) mutations in the ALMS1 gene…2021.3.29

A deleterious mutation in the ALMS1 gene in a naturally occurring model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the Sphynx cat

Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a common inherited cardiovascular disorder in people. Many causal mutations have been identified, but about 40% of cases do not have a known causative mutation….2021.2.27

Prevalent ALMS1 Pathogenic Variants in Spanish Alström Patients

Refined the clinical and genetic diagnosis data of 12 patients from 11 families, all of them from Spain. We also studied the allelic frequency of the different variants present in this cohort and performed a haplotype analysis for the most prevalent allele. The genetic analysis revealed 2 novel homozygous variants located in the exon 8, p.(Gl. …2021.2.12

Analysis of ALMS1 gene variants in seven patients with Alström syndrome

Genetic testing revealed 12 variants of the ALMS1 gene among the 7 patients, including 7 nonsense and 5 frameshift variants, which included c.5418delC (p.Tyr1807Thrfs*23), c.10549C>T (p.Gln3517*), c.9145dupC (p.Thr3049Asnfs*12), c.10819C>T (p.Arg3607*), c.5701_5704delGAGA (p.Glu1901Argfs*18), c.9154_9155delCT (p.Cys3053S…2021.2.15

ALMS1 Regulates TGF-β Signaling and Morphology of Primary Cilia

In this study, we aimed to evaluate the role of ALMS1 in the morphology of primary cilia and regulation of cellular signaling using a knockdown model of the hTERT-RPE1 cell line. ALMS1 depletion resulted in the formation of longer cilia, which often displayed altered morphology as evidenced by extensive twisting and bending of the axoneme…2021.2.1

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Topline Results from Pivotal Phase 3 Clinical Trial Evaluating Setmelanotide in Bardet-Biedl and Alström Syndromes

Aimed at developing and commercializing therapies for the treatment of rare genetic diseases of obesity, today announced positive topline results from a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial evaluating setmelanotide, the company’s melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist, for the treatment of insatiable hunger and severe obesity in individuals with Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) or Alström syndrome….2020.12.20


Rhythm Pharmaceuticals是一家专注于开发和商业化治疗罕见肥胖遗传性疾病的生物制药公司。近日,该公司宣布,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已批准Imcivree(setmelanotide),用于年龄≥6岁的罕见肥胖症儿童….2020.11.29

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Announces FDA Approval of IMCIVREE™ (setmelanotide) as First-ever Therapy for Chronic Weight Management in Patients with Obesity Due to POMC, PCSK1 or LEPR Deficiency

U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved IMCIVREE™ (setmelanotide) for chronic weight management in adult and pediatric patients 6 years of age and older with obesity due to proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 (PCSK1) or leptin receptor (LEPR) deficiency ….2020.11.27

Charité-Mediziner erhält Paul-Martini-Preis 2020 für Studien zur Normalisierung des Körpergewichts

Berlin, 20.11.2020 (PMS). Heute hat Prof. Dr. med. Peter Kühnen vom Institut für Experimentelle Pädiatrische Endokrinologie an der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin den diesjährigen Paul-Martini-Preis für Studien zur Normalisierung des Körpergewichts bei erblich bedingt Übergewichtigen erhalten. ….2020.11.20

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Announces Publication of Results from Phase 3 Clinical Trials of Setmelanotide in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

Largest studies in POMC and LEPR deficiency obesities demonstrate that treatment with setmelanotide reduced body weight and hunger ….2020.10.30

Une nouvelle cible thérapeutique contre le diabète de type 2 découverte grâce à une maladie rare

Une nouvelle cible thérapeutique contre le diabète de type 2 vient d’être identifiée par des chercheurs de l’Inserm et de l’Université de Strasbourg, en collaboration avec plusieurs centres hospitaliers européens. Il s’agit de l’ALMS1, une protéine à la fonction encore mal comprise.


上海儿童医学中心 内分泌遗传代谢科上海市浦东新区东方路1678号

Diabète de type 2 : une maladie rare permet de découvrir un nouveau médicament

Le syndrome d’Alström provoque une dégénérescence de la rétine, une obésité précoce et un diabète de type 2. L’étude de ce syndrome leur a permis de déterminer le rôle d’une protéine dans l’apparition du diabète, causant les anomalies du tissu adipeux à l’origine du diabète de type 2.



Consensus clinical management guidelines for Alström syndrome

Alström Syndrome (ALMS) is an ultra-rare multisystem genetic disorder caused by autosomal recessive variants in the ALMS1 gene, which is located on chromosome 2p13. ALMS is a multisystem, progressive disease characterised by visual disturbance, hearing impairment, cardiomyopathy, childhood obesity, extreme insulin resistance, accelerated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), renal dysfunction, respiratory disease, endocrine and urologic disorders.

Key biotech catalysts approach

While oncology readouts dominate for big pharma players, the focus for biotech is more varied. Here Evaluate Vantage looks at important events due for companies with a market cap of $1bn and above. The Ash conference in December focuses on haematological malignancies, with early data from Forma, Kura and Trillium expected.

Alström Gene Variants May Also Raise Heart Attack Risk, Study in…

Two variants of the Alström syndrome 1 (ALMS1) gene can increase the risk of heart attack in Chinese people with early onset coronary artery disease (CAD), a study reports. The study, “Association between ALMS 1 variants and early-onset coronary artery disease: a case-control study in Chinese…

Next-generation Sequencing Can Improve Early Diagnosis of Alström…

Genetic testing early in life can improve the diagnosis of conditions such as Alström syndrome, a rare form of genetic obesity, a case report suggests. Advanced technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), which can examine thousands of genes at once, may help find the most adequate…

Setmelanotide Receives FDA’s Orphan Drug Status for Alström Syndrome

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug status to Rhythm Pharmaceuticals’ setmelanotide for the treatment of people who have Alström syndrome, a rare genetic disorder of obesity. Orphan drug designation is given to medicines with potential to be safe and effective…

【罕見病】8歲童餘一成視力 16歲將全盲 父:她的天空不應受限

每朝太陽升起,納彤還在熟睡的時候,Joanne會為女兒的房間關上窗簾,不讓一點陽光漏進屋內。這個一家四口的家,所有窗戶都拉下了布簾,燈沒有亮,早上經常一片黯淡無光。這天下午,一家人一如以往把窗簾拉下,在微光的環境下,一切如常。 納彤今年8歲,兩年前確診患上罕見病Alston …

Unusual ALMS1 Mutations Tied to Alström Syndrome in Girl in Case…

A girl with obesity and other characteristic signs of Alström syndrome was found to have two very unusual mutations in the ALMS1 gene, both largely unreported in this disease, according to a case study. Its researchers suggest their findings support genetic testing to help diagnose Alström…

罕病中的罕病!12歲視力剩0.03 女童軒軒揮灑畫紙溫暖人心 | 罕見疾病 | 科別 | 元氣網

周二,是軒軒的Blue Day,她不懂為什麼無法跟同學一起上課,必須一個人單獨在教室「學點字」。 每次軒軒都會鬧脾氣,用不悅的口氣問:「為什麼我要學點字?」媽媽許嘉珍強忍不捨,語氣堅定、明白地告訴她:「因為妳以後會看不到。」 軒軒罹患白血病 及罕病阿姆斯壯症候群 (Alstrom …

Prometic’s PBI-4050 Shows Promising Safety, Efficacy in First…

An exploratory Phase 2 study of Prometic’s investigative oral therapy PBI-4050 in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) showed “encouraging” results and no safety concerns, a study reports. Alone or in combination with Ofev (nintedanib), PBI-4050 was well-tolerated and showed early…

Planned Phase 3 Trial of PBI-4050 in IPF Patients Among Top…

A Phase 3 clinical trial in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients will be a top clinical development priority for Prometic Life Sciences in 2018, the company announced. The realignment of the company’s research priorities follows a meeting held with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

Whole-exome Sequencing Discovers New Mutations in Alström Syndrome…

Studying mutations in the protein-coding parts of the DNA through whole-exome sequencing helps improve the clinical understanding of rare diseases such as Alström syndrome (AS), according to a case study. The study, “Rare Compound Heterozygous Frameshift Mutations in ALMS1 Gene Identified…

Study Examines How Other Disorders Correlate With Kidney Disease…

Kidney disease may be a primary manifestation of Alström syndrome. However, the development of renal problems may be nourished by the co-existence of other common disorders such diabetes, hypertension, and being insulin resistant, a single-center study suggests. The study, “Alström syndrome:…

Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in Alström Syndrome: A Genetic Model for Metabolic Syndrome

Alström syndrome (ALMS) is an ultra-rare monogenic disease characterized by insulin resistance, multi-organ fibrosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and hypertriglyceridemia with high and early incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
